We all know love, we met him. that wonderful, sick, idiotic and beautiful bastard. But that all comes after.
We all have baggage, so i guess after we meet the ugly face of love we all have different approaches to when me meet him again. I'm grateful that i have so many friends with different opinions.
The poke and run
The poker just gives you a little indication of interest and then.. nothing. He runs until the end of earth. just to realize that he is still alive, comes back, and...poke again!
The cannon
Know those people that just go for it? They try not to give you a chance to run away, or to not let them really thing about what they are doing. Either way, unless you see the cannon coming, it's going to hit you. hard!
The Sloth
Ah the sloth! the animal that lives on the trees and comes down once a week to pee! that pretty much sums it up, the are slow movers, opportunities pass them by and they live a long happy live not taking any chances and just waiting for their time to pee. As they get older, the sloth often becomes a cynical animal, bitter to their core. they are the old mans that scream to children "Stay out of my lawn!!"
The Deer
The deer is close to my heart, this is when you want to do it, but you are so carefully moving in that direction, that if the other person does something, even a little bit wrong.. "warp speed Mr. Spok, wooosh!" and you never saw him again. They are runners, the good news is that, sometimes they come back, but it almost never works for the dears.
The Pillow
After you have been in a relationship, sometimes you just need somebody. It's hard to just be with yourself. this is what the pillow wants. somebody, anybody, to be there in the night, to hold you and tell you that it will be ok, they need that because they don't believe in themselves. It's never love is convenience.
The Collector
We all meet this one, trying to fill the album to prove that they still got it. funny thing, they lost it. they lost the ability to appreciate the real person, they just see something that they still don't have. Lets hope that all collectors are just going trough a.. hum.. faze.
The Braveheart
Love the braveheart! girls, i just know girls that are the like this, guys are to busy collecting.. the braveheart has been hurt badly, but it just gets stronger, taking chances, even when they shouldn't. They know how precious love is, and if they think they found it, they will free Scotland to get it and take no prisoners! phi!
The Misconception
Oh the poor babies.. they go for the unattainable seeking the reinforcing that they are not good enough. They always go for the gay, in a relationship or just not that into you. If it's wrong for them, that's what they want!
The invisible man/woman
The closet stalkers, they know all about your life, and you don't even remember seeing them. they are too scared of ruining the image that they built in their mind, so they chose that long distance approach. Yeah, because that will get you somewhere...
The "Normal"
If i find one, i will write about it..