We are all broken.
I think we are born hole, and every time you fall you break a little. You lose a bit of yourself every time you fall. Somehow the more we learn the less we are.
If this is true, how come that old people are still people after they have been broken so many times?
Maybe we don't get broken, maybe we just get a little sharper, so when we are almost done falling we are like gems, perfectly cut gems. And we finally have all the right angles. Maybe getting broken hurts more when we are young because there is just so much more to fix, and every time we fall the piece we lose is just so big that we need to relearn how to live with less of us.
Maybe that's the secret, we keep getting hurt with what we lost but in reality we are just getting smaller and much more perfect then what we were.
Why do we miss our imperfections?
Do you think we can pick up some pieces? Do you think that every time we refuse to learn a lesson, we gain a little piece? is that why we regret the lessons that we didn't learn? Is every piece we pick up poisoned with bitterness?
Just let it go, let it all go. You will be bigger with less then you ever were with a lot.
what can i say..it soooo true!