Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What is the deal with all that water?

     So there is a large group of older people in front of me, this is the oldest kindergarten class in living history. They are exactly like i was when i was in high school, playing, not wanting to work, looking for any excuse not to do whatever brought them here (writing for a blog is a constructive occupation. I am creating a compendium of social behavior let’s go with that. Back to business) talking out loud, laughing, flirting with the male group member and vice-versa, looking for excuses to talk with the supervisor, he is not bald, although he is round and greasy, so if your shape is a round shape, and you sweat even in an conditioned environment apparently as long as you are not bald you are the definition of a sexy man when you get to 45, hang on tight man, your time will come, grab to your hair though.
      He is loving it, pretending to read/supervise while they just pile up longing for his attention, is that the male dream? Is he married? He is short sighted, so glasses. Uh! He frowned when they started to share a illegal snack (dear reader: on top of the tables Glasses with water and food are not allowed). So i ask, is that where you draw the line Not Bald man? At food sharing? At illegal food sharing? They can run wild and free, like a bunch of drunk teenagers but f-o-o-d is not ok?
      I bet he is married, this hypocrisy has to come from a married man who flirts around, is flirting cheating? He is looking this way! Yes, yes Mr. Not Bald, this is what respectable work looks like, take a hint and control your women!
       Have you hit rock bottom when kids tell grownups to shuuush? Is that it for you? Do you just give up and go full retard since you can’t really take any pride in this day? Even if you save a bus full of children today you cannot erase the fact that a 15 year old, very rightfully, just told you to shut up.
      What is the deal with all that water? Why do they drink so much water... Every single one of them has a 1.5l bottle of water. Is it because of the heat waves that menopause brings? Are they menopausing? Not possible, they are to young.
       Different brands so is not a social stand, different price range, not an economical stand, normal plastic bottles, not an environmental nor fashion stand. Their water stands for nothing. How can you drink water that doesn't mean anything? You are what you drink.
     Same old story, Loudwaterdrinkingnonmenopausalflirtywithsupervisor women. Seen one seen them all, am I right? Snap snap snap.

1 comment:

  1. So. I was trying to grasp the meaning but I have to say... Dafuq did I just read? How? When? Who? x)
