Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Until words bound you

    Good writers make you live a story with them, with thousands of combinations they truly make words come to life. You are right there with them somehow living another life. But.

    Sometimes you say more with silence then you could ever do with words. Words bound you to something real, they have weight, they force something to exist, they label things. Words force you to existence and when something doesn't exist how can you talk about it? Silence can be whatever you need it to be. Silence is universal. We could all speak it. Sometimes is all you need. 

    How can it be that sometimes silence is fuller then words? Sometimes you can fill a room with silence, or someone else could have filled it for you. It can be overwhelming. You can suffocate with so much silence, sometimes is thick and dark, grabbing you by the wrists and demanding you not to speak, sometimes silence is stronger then you. Other times, silence can be a ray of sunshine, you can see it and feel it but it has no matter, is weightless You can't really grasp it, you just feel it. Sometimes all you need to say is nothing at all. and it feels wonderful.
    Maybe we like it so much because we can hear whatever we want in another person's silence, it can be everything you want it to be. It can be hope, understanding, support, love, forgiveness, wisdom. Until words bound you, reality can be whatever you make of it.

    Everybody can understand words they are for everyone. Understand your silence. Silence is for the chosen ones. Find someone that hears your silence and don't let go. No one speaks silence.

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